Thursday, 18 February 2010

All over the map

One glance and the frozen case of my poise patters
to the floor like shattered eggshells.
It doesn’t take a kiss to give me my fairytale transformation:
Frog to fanciful female.
Like a frosted fiction cloak woven in decaying darkness,
my dull aura suddenly blazes crimson red.
I cannot help but glow.

Not a muttered word stored,
trembling hot, in the footlocker of my mind.
Nor a panic desperate name whispered
in the dead of night.
Instead a lubricious crown placed on a golden head.
Red lips. Hacksaw serrated stare.
Nails screeching across my eager welcome smile.
My crystal wish-granted in pieces.
Little match girl.


  1. I like the fariytale here. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Dear Miss Bird, a very creative response to the prompt in this new-some breath of a fairytale! The images, the tale, are just a delightful step away from the common threads. I love the lines,
    "Frog to fanciful female.
    Like a frosted fiction cloak woven in decaying darkness,
    my dull aura suddenly blazes crimson red."
    Very nice indeed. Thanks for this one!

  3. I was very taken with and impressed by your language in this piece. I love the twist on the fairy tale -- a princess coming alive instead of a prince. And you used many of the words well this week -- nothing out of place, nothing superfluous. Lovely work this week.


  4. I really liked how you did this prompt. I thought the alliterations were excellent!

  5. well done...footlocker of my mind especially good
